Peta Surabaya Lengkap Pdf

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Labuhan Keraton Ngayogyakarta

LABUHAN KERATON NGAYOGYAKARTA Labuhan Keraton or the Royal Offerings of Yogyakarta is usually performed on the 30th of Rajab, so it will probably be hold on Thursday, 27 April 2017, at 07.00 am at the “Pendhapa” (Javanese Mansion) of Kretek Subdistrict Office. The Ngayogyakarta Royal servants transfer the vessels of the offering-implement to the Bantul Government. Then the offering-implement is delivered to the “Pendhapa” of Parangkusumo, and given to the caretaker to be arranged in “ancak” (the vessel made of bamboo). After the prayer fort it in “cepuri” (a supporting…

Peta Surabaya Lengkap Dengan Kecamatannya

The Ancient Ratu Boko Temple, Yogyakarta Ratu Boko Palace is located in Jl. Raya Piyungan, 3 km south of Prambanan Temple at Dawung and Sambirejo villages, Piyungan, or 19 km east of Jogjakarta. It opens daily 6 am – 5.30 pm and it entrance fee charged. Ratu Boko Palace is a huge complex built on 16 hectares as the residence of King Boko of the first Mataram dynasty. Local legend says that Ratu Boko liked to eat human flesh. Primarily in ruins, visitors must use their imaginations to fill in historical and structural gaps. Gold…

Ratu Boko Temple, Yogyakarta

Ratu Boko Temple Settled on a hillside plateau, overlooking Prambanan temple complex and with a view to Mount Merapi behind Prambanan Temple complex, lie the remains of a once grand palace. The palace (kraton) is named Ratu Boko after a King Boko of local folklore, but the real owner of the palace is more likely to have been a king of a local dynasty. Ratu Boko temple is located on a plateau, about three kilometres south of Lara Jonggrang Prambanan temple complex in Yogyakarta Central Java, Indonesia. Grand stone gates,…

Hotels In Yogyakarta In iPad, iPhone & Android

To support the need of recreational things in Yogyakarta, the accommodation is also increase. In fact, there are numbers of star hotels and non-star hotels that ready to serve their specialties to comfort your stay. Hence, this Hotels In Yogyakarta is made. This application is kind of reference to provide the information and news for tourists that want to stay in Yogyakarta. There are numbers of Hotels and its description, and it can be accessed from iPad, iPhone and Android.