Install Windows Server 2008 Failover Cluster

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  1. Windows 2012 R2 Cluster Setup

Installing Failover Clustering feature using Server Manager. The Failover Clustering feature can be installed with either Server Manager or Windows PowerShell cmdlets. In Server Manager, the Add Roles and Features Wizard is used to add roles and or features. Feb 13, 2009 - This is no longer supported for Failover Clustering in Windows Server 2008. The only supported ones will be Serially Attached Storage (SAS),.

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In order to plan everything ahead, we need to prepare some IPs and names as well as Network Configuration
During the deployment you will be using IPs and Names for the following
2- DTC
You can plan for those and document them for use ahead of time, just to save yourself some time
DescriptionHostnameIP AddressSubnet MaskDefault Gateway
Cluster IP AddressXXCLUSTER172.21.XX.XX255.255.255.128N/A
SQL Instance IP AddressXX2010SQL172.21.XX.XX255.255.255.128N/A
MSDTC Virtual IPXX2010SQLDtc172.21.XX.XX255.255.255.128N/A
SQL Cluster Node 1Node1172.21.XX.XX255.255.255.0172.21.X.1
SQL Cluster Node 2Node 2172.21.XX.XX255.255.255.0172.21.X.1
We then need to setup 2 Network Interfaces to be used in production and the other as a heartbeat
We need to configure the HeartBeat interface on each node as follows:
Node 2
We do a little test and make sure they can communicate
Now the heart beat has been configured, you need to Assign IPs to the Production interfaces, those are the interfaces that will communicate with the servers.
Now that the networking part is out of the way, let’s go ahead and start the Failover Cluster Role installation

Windows Failover Cluster installation

The following steps need to be performed on both database tier machines.
1. Click on Server Manager > Features > Add Features
2. Check the Failover Clustering checkbox and click Next
4. Click Close to conclude the installation wizard

Host Validation Tests

Now we need to run the validation tests to make sure our nodes are correctly configured
1. Click on Validate Configuration
2. Click Next at the validation wizard’s intro screen
3. Click Browse in the Select Servers or a cluster window
4. Set the Object Types to Computers and search for the two cluster nodes
5. Once the two cluster nodes have been selected click on Next to proceed
6. Leave radio button at its default position (Run all tests) and then click Next
7. The validation wizard summary will be displayed. Review it and click Next to initiate the cluster validation
8. If the validation wizard returns any errors review and resolve them before proceeding. Errors need to be resolved before creating the cluster. Ensure that you review warnings.

Creating Windows 2008 Cluster

SQL Server 2008 R2 clustering requires a windows cluster to be setup prior to creating the SQL node. To create the windows cluster perform the following steps:
1. In the Failover Clustering Console click on Create a cluster
2. Click Next at the welcome screen
3. Click Browse and select the appropriate cluster nodes
4. Click Next to run pre-configuration validation (essentially the same validation as before, but recommended to run again right before the cluster setup).
5. Enter the following information in the Access point for Administering the Cluster window:
b. IP Address: 172.21.X.X
6. Review the summary in the confirmation window and click Next to proceed with the cluster installation
7. If any warnings/errors were generated review them and retry if necessary. If none were generated click on Finish to close the wizard.

Verifying Cluster Storage and Quorum

Now in windows server 2008 R2, the cluster Quorum and storage will be configured automatically, we need to check on that
And this seems right, now we need to check on the Quorum type to make sure that it is set to Node and Disk Majority

Configuring Windows 2008 (R2) Application Server

We now need to start deploying the application server role on both the nodes

Configuring MSDTC

Installing the SQL 2008 R2 Cluster

Now we are about to start the installation of the First node in the cluster
Enter your product key
Install the Support Files
Install Features
Configure the Network Name ( this is going to be the cluster name ) and instances
Choose your Cluster Resource Group ( I left it at default )
Configure the Service accounts Users and Password ( Best Practice is to use individual accounts )
Configure Your Locations ( Best practice is to Separate Database Files from Log Files)
The Install, But do not configure is the only option available as we haven’t installed the pre-requisites for Reporting Service.

Windows 2012 R2 Cluster Setup

Make Sure everything passes on the Cluster installation Rules
Review your install Summary and Click Install
Install windows server 2008 failover clusters
Now wait for the installation to finish
Now after the installation finishes
Now that all is good and Green we need to start the installation on the second node
You will see that setup has detected the current Single node cluster from above, click Next
Enter the same Accounts and passwords
Click on install and wait for the installation to finish

Verifying The Cluster

Now if you go to the SQL Server Clustered application properties you now see both nodes added

How to install SQL Server 2008 R2 Failover Cluster on Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server failover cluster aims to provide high availability for services or applications that run within the failover cluster. It contains a group of independent servers that work together to increase the availability of applications and services. Today I have write How to install SQL Server 2008 R2 Failover Cluster on Windows Server 2008 R2 and I thinking this article it helpful for your install SQL Server Cluster.
- All server use windows Server 2008 R2 and IP server
- 3 IP address for SQL Server 2008 R2 Failover Cluster (Not count IP Server and IP heartbeat)
  1. One IP address : IP Cluster windows
  2. One IP address : IP Service DTC
  3. One IP address : IP Cluster DB
- Each server SQL Server have 2 lan card. Card lan 1 : network lan , Card lan 2 : card lan hardbeast card communication between cluster(Not same subnet in card lan 1)
- Disk for install SQL Server Cluster . You must assign disk form SAN at least 3 disk
Disk 1 : Quorum disk 1 GB
Disk 2 : Disk Service 1 GB (DTC)
Disk 3 : Disk DATA (.MDF,.LDF) 200 GB , You can separate disk to Disk x1 : .MDF , Disk x2 : . MDF
- A network name for the failover cluster instance
  1. Windows cluster name : Clusterdb
  2. Service DTC : Clusterdbstc
  3. SQL Cluster name : Clusterdbsp
My lab I use active directory windows Server 2008 R2
In my lab I use account “spadmin” for install Service SQL server and Install SharePoint 2010 ,
This account “spadmin” is not member domain admin is member on domain user. Before I install SQL cluster I must have delegate control in active directory for create object computer in active directory.
Delegate Control account (If your account is member domain admin skip this step. )
  1. Otherwise, give the account the Create Computer objects and Read All Properties permissions in the container that is used for computer accounts in the domain:
    1. On a domain controller, click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Active Directory Users and Computers. If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue.
    2. On the View menu, make sure that Advanced Features is selected. When Advanced Features is selected, you can see the Security tab in the properties of accounts (objects) in Active Directory Users and Computers.
    3. Right-click the default Computers container or the default container in which computer accounts are created in your domain, and then click Properties. Computers is located inActive Directory Users and Computers/domain node/Computers.
    4. On the Security tab, click Advanced.
    5. Click Add, type the name of the account spadmin and then click OK.
In the Permission Entry for container dialog box, locate the Create Computer objectsand Read All Properties permissions, and make sure that the Allow check box is selected for each one.

Step by Step Guide Install SQL Server 2008 R2 Failover Cluster on Windows Server 2008 R2.

1. Install windows server 2008 R2 in each node install SQL server and Assign IP Address in each SQL Server. And setup IP address heartbeat card for communication cluster.
2. Join SQL Server 2 node to your domain.
3. Add account Spadmin to admin local group on server.
4. Assign Disk form SAN to your server 3 disk
Disk 1: Drive(Q) Quorum 1GB
Disk 2 : Drive(S) ServiceDTC 1GB
Disk 3 : Drive(D) Drive install SQL Server (MDF,LDF)
5. Enable feature .NET Framework 3.5 in each SQL Server.
6. Enable Feature Failover Clustering in each SQL Server.

7. In console Failover Cluster Manager > Click on Validate a configuration > Add SQL Server 2 node for validates (FQDN) > run all test

8. Successful validate. If you have error for validate please check your log and fix issue and run Validate a configuration again.
9. In next step , Create cluster wizard

Click Yes , When I click next , run configuration validation tests , and then return to the process of creating the cluster.

10. Type you name Cluster name : Clusterdb
And configured IP Address clusterdb

11. Summary and confirmation cluster.

12. You have successfully completed the create cluster wizard.
13. Click right on your name cluster name : Create service or application Distributed transaction Coordinator (DTC) > Selcect name Service and assign ip address > Select Storage Drive ServiceDTC(1GB)

14. Configure Cluster Quorum Settings > Right click on cluster name > Go to More Actions > click Configure Cluster Quorum Settings.
For more information, See Choosing the quorum mode for a particular cluster,
Node and Disk Majority> Select the Drive storage volume Quorum disk(1GB)

15. You have done. Install Windows cluster , Next step configure SQL Server Cluster
16. In Server SQL Node1 : Insert you DVD install SQL server 2008 R2
17. Click setup > In console SQL Server installation center > Choose Tab installation > Click New SQL Server failover cluster installation.

18. Setup Support rule : In this step it check file setup& identify problem before install SQL Server.

20. License terms : check box I accept the license.

21. Setup support rules ; if you have warring it don’t worry . If you have fail it can’t next step please check for your problem logs.

23. Specify name SQL Server Network name : clusterdbsp // It name example because I use Cluster name DB for install SharePoint 2010
Choose you instance SQL server : I Choose default

24. Select share cluster disk : I choose disk data for install SQL Server MDF , LDF file.

26. Select authentication mode : I recommend choose mixed mode
Specify password SA and add user specify SQL server administrator

28. Complete for install , If not complete see on your logs and fix issue and install SQL Server again.

29. In Server SQL Node2 : Insert you DVD install SQL Server 2008 R2
30. Click setup > In console SQL Server installation center > Choose Tab installation > Click Add node to a SQL Server failover cluster

31. Cluster node configuration : select Server instance name : choose same instance in NODE1

32. Next > Install > Complete for install .
To install a SQL Server failover cluster, you must create and configure a failover cluster instance by running SQL Server Setup. This topic explains the elements of a failover cluster, as well as important information about naming a failover cluster instance. It also describes basic steps for installing a failover cluster.
Elements of a Failover Cluster Instance

A failover cluster instance can run on one or more computers that are participating nodes of a failover cluster. A failover cluster instance contains:
  • A combination of one or more disks in a Microsoft Cluster Service (MSCS) cluster group, also known as a resource group. Each resource group can contain at most one instance of SQL Server.
  • One or more IP addresses assigned to the failover cluster instance.
  • One instance of SQL Server that includes SQL Server, SQL Server Agent, the Full-text Search (FTS) service, and Replication. You can install a failover cluster with SQL Server only, Analysis Services only, or SQL Server and Analysis Services.
Naming a Failover Cluster Instance

A SQL Server failover cluster instance always appears on the network as if it were a single computer. You must use the SQL Server failover cluster instance name to connect to the SQL Server failover cluster, not the machine name of the node it happens to be running on. Doing so ensures that you are always able to connect to the failover cluster instance using the same name, regardless of which node is running SQL Server.
The name of your failover cluster instance must be unique to your domain. SQL Server does not listen on the IP address of the local servers. Instead, SQL Server listens only on the virtual IP address created during installation of the SQL Server failover cluster instance.
SQL Server depends on distinct registry keys and service names within the failover cluster to ensure that SQL Server functionality continues after a failover. Therefore, the name you provide for the instance of SQL Server, including the default instance, must be unique across all nodes in the failover cluster. Using unique instance names ensures that instances of SQL Server that are configured to fail over to a single server have distinct registry keys and service names.
Considerations for SQL Server Consolidation with a Failover Cluster

  • When planning to consolidate multiple stand-alone servers to SQL Server failover cluster instances, we recommend, as part of the planning process, that you verify that the cluster node hardware configuration is sufficient to support the number of instances of SQL Server to be hosted.
    Presented below are two common scenarios and the basis for the recommended solutions that can be applied to your site configuration.
    You are a hosting site and want to offer up to 23 instances of SQL Server with the following resource requirements:
    • 2 processors for 23 instances of SQL Server as a single cluster node would require 46 CPUs.
    • 2 GB of memory for 23 instances of SQL Server as a single cluster node would require 48 GB of RAM (2 GB of additional memory for the operating system).
    • 4 disks for 23 instances of SQL Server as a cluster disk array would require 92 disks.
    If you limit the failover members to only half of the available nodes, the hardware requirements would be reduced to:
    • 23 processors, 24 GB of memory per node, and availability of 46 disks.
    With support for mount points, the total number of disks could be further reduced. SQL Server would require 23 disks each hosting 3-mount points or more, for increased disk space availability.
    A potential limitation is if the processor and memory requirements rise, the existing hardware might not be capable of supporting those requirements without loss of performance to the existing instances of SQL Server.
    Migration of existing instances of SQL Server to a failover cluster
    First, you must collect current baselines for the existing servers, noting any existing bottlenecks. Assuming baseline performance statistics provide the following needs, and that a single drive with mount points would cover drive requirements, that would leave you with the following configuration:
    • SQL Server 2 - 4 processors, 8 GB of RAM (needs RAM, plan for 12 GB)
    • SQL Server 3 – 2 processors, 16GB of RAM (baseline shows need for additional processors)
    • SQL Server 4 – 4 processors, 8 GB of RAM (needs additional network bandwidth, add network adapters for 4 dedicated connections)
    To replace these four servers, the cluster node would require the following minimum configuration:
    • 18 processors, 54 GB of RAM, and 6 network adapters
The process for calculating the minimum configuration for a single node in a failover cluster considers:
  • Total memory requirements, and
  • Add 2 GB of RAM for the operating system
Note that the disk constraint encountered in previous SQL Server versions does not affect SQL Server 2008. Each instance of SQL Server requires just one cluster disk for data files.
Installing a Failover Cluster

To install a failover cluster, you must use a domain account with local administrator rights, permission to log on as a service, and to act as part of the operating system on all nodes in the failover cluster.
To install a failover cluster by using the SQL Server Setup program, follow these steps:
  1. Identify the information you need to create your failover cluster instance (for example, cluster disk resource, IP addresses, and network name) and the nodes available for failover. For more information:
    These configuration steps must take place before you run the SQL Server Setup program; use the Windows Cluster Administrator to carry them out. You must have one MSCS group for each failover cluster instance you want to configure.
  2. Run the SQL Server Setup program to start your failover cluster installation. Failover clustering has a new architecture and new work flow for all Setup scenarios in SQL Server 2008. The two options for installation are Integrated installation and Advanced/Enterprise installation. Integrated installation creates and configures a single-node SQL Server failover cluster instance. Additional nodes are added by using the Add Node functionality in Setup. For example, for Integrated installation, you run Setup to create a single-node failover cluster. Then, you run Setup again for each node you want to add to the cluster. Advanced/Enterprise installation consists of two steps. The Prepare step prepares all nodes of the failover cluster to be operational. Nodes are defined and prepared during this initial step. After you prepare the nodes, the Complete step is run on the active node—the node that owns the shared disk—to complete the failover cluster instance and make it operational.